A sand racket this time round

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A story has gone viral that the bigwigs of a state-owned company handling a major plantation of a triangle fame is making a name for money-spinning rackets.


The latest business that the company bigwigs have embarked on is dredging wewas (tanks) for sand. The company has struck a deal with government authorities to buy the mud dredged from tanks at Rs.350 a cube and sell the sand extracted from the mud at Rs.7,000 a cube, they say.

These company bigwigs have already been reported to the higher authorities responsible for overseeing their work and the conduct. However, a Diyawanna member from Wayamba well known for his belligerent conduct is shielding the errant company high-ups. 

These company bigwigs have already been turning the produce from the plantations into enough gravy for themselves, they say.  Just one example would suffice to size up the situation; according to the accounts maintained by the company, believe it or not, the produce from certain estates in the triangle is ‘so poor’ the average yield for a ‘kanna’ (harvest-turn) from one tree is just one nut!


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