A non-functional functionary!

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There is a fair ones’ outfit functioning in the state sector. This outfit as its moniker suggests is intended to serve the interests of the fair ones. A unit of this outfit is active practically  in every ministry, department and state establishment and the better half of the head of the  ministry,  department or  the state institution by tradition becomes the ex-officio chairperson of its fair ones’ unit.


However, there is a certain ministry with a fair ones’ unit chaired by the daughter of the Cabinet rank purohita’s daughter, not by his better half. 

However, the fair ones of this ministry complain that this daughter let alone initiating any programme for the good of her kind in the ministry never participates in any activity of the fair ones. What is worse is that she holds herself uncommunicative despite the ministry fair ones’ persistent bids to contact her. Meanwhile, the ministry employees, they say, are vying with one another in adducing the reasons as to why the daughter has been offered the chair of the fair ones’ unit overlooking her mother.

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