He got what he hadn’t bargained for!

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The sibling number one now on remand (at least nominally) had gathered enough courage to return to Sri Lanka on an assurance given by a certain heavyweight of the new government. Even a powerful one from the diplomatic corps is said to have lulled him into a sense of security.

According to hush-hush in political circles that the sibling had once done the heavyweight of the new government a great favour when he decided to take on rent a building belonging to the latter to house part of his Ministry.

The sibling is said to have helped the heavyweight to escape the fallout from a serious law suit as well.

The sibling had spoken to the Police with hopes riding high that he could get back home safe and sound after making the statement.

But alas! The sibling was arrested after recording his statement on the orders from a higher authority, says a source privy to what went behind the scene.

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