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Prophet Mohammad’s birth anniversary will take place on 24th. December 2015. Accordingly this will be the 12th. day of the muslim calender month of Rabi ul Awwal..
This occasion of the birth anniversary is observed by special prayers at all Mosques and charity for the poor, and several religious programmes take place.
In the Quran, almighty Allah gives a clear order to celebrate and rejoice the raising and coming of the beloved Prophet Mohammad.
In Surah Yunus Allah almighty says because of Fadl - blessings of Allah and Rahma - mercy you should celebrate with happiness and pleasure.This is better than what wealth they amass.(Quran 10:58).
The above mentioned Fadl and Rahma in this verse is a direct reference to the beloved Prophet (Pbuh). He was sent to this world and being raised for mankind is the greatest Fadl and Rahma of Almighty Allah. Prophet Muhammad was born in Saudi Arabia in the City of Makkah in August 570 AD on the 12th. day of Rabi-ul-Awwal. The Prophet’s way of life gives us very clear guidelines that we require to resolve the problem as successfully as our human mind can visualize. Allah tells people, that you should also invoke blessings (Salawath and Salam) to the Prophet and follow his way of life (Sunnah).
The Prophet also told his followers that if a person followed the Holy Quran and the the life history of the Prophet, that he or she would never go astray, and that they would enter Paradise without any difficulty.
The Quran also repeatedly says that we must believe in Muhammad as the final messenger of Allah.
A number of miracles were bestowed upon and perfected by our beloved Prophet to establish proof of his prophethood. The greatest miracle bestowed upon him was the revelation of the Holy Quran.The Quran is miraculous in a number of aspects: Its linguistic perfection and inimitability, its validation by recent historical, archaeological and scientific discoveries, its prophecies and so on.
The Prophet later went on the journey of Hijrath to Madina,where the people of Madina the Ansari’s welcomed the Holy Prophet. After the Prophet’s demise he was buried in the second largest Masjid in the world, Madina Al Munawwara (the lighted city) also known as Masjid Un Nabi which is located at Hijaz, on the western part of Saudi Arabia, some 400km north of Mecca.
Madina became a city of religious importance with the arrival of the Holy Prophet in the year 622 AD. The tomb of the Holy Prophet is at the main area of the Mosque.
Millions of Muslims around the globe visit this Masjid and recite the Holy Quran and Salawath in the name of the Holy Prophet.
May Almighty Allah give us the opportunity to visit the beloved Prophet’s Ziyarath in Madina and get the blessings on the day of judgement.