Formation of Military Cyber-Intel Command Headquarters for Combating Illegal Cyber Movements against     Follow

Dr.  Prathiba Mahanamahewa - Attorney-at-Law

Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya, Former Commander of the Army, now Chief of Defence Staff  during a Conference on Cyber Warfare – 2011, organised by the Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa in Colombo opined that the whole world is now faced with an emerging threat of a ‘Cyber War’ as cyberspace is the information superhighway across the entire world having made the concept of a ‘global village’ a reality.

According to him, in 2007, a number of government and corporate sites in Estonia, including Estonian parliament, banks, ministries, newspapers and broadcasters were hacked and the entire Estonian network came to a point that it was useless. Estonian authorities traced those attacks to Russia, and suggested they had been orchestrated by the Kremlin and that charge was denied by Moscow.

Some refer to this attack as Cyber War 1. Further he stressed, warfare has not come to an end by eliminating terrorists from this country. We and the whole world whether there is any physical war or not are faced with another war which is known as “Cyber War”. Now as the time has come to better formulate and prepare our nation for the contemporary cyber war, the Ministry of Defence and the government of Sri Lanka must successfully launch a multi-year research mission to bolster the nation’s cyber defences.

" The global networks and internet-enabled assets are under mammoth attack by an extensive degree of antagonists counting nation-states, an illegal bunch of lawbreakers, and cyber outlaws, automated intelligent software or secret intelligence services of the ruling governments in the biosphere. "
The global networks and internet-enabled assets are under mammoth attack by an extensive degree of antagonists counting nation-states, an illegal bunch of lawbreakers, and cyber outlaws, automated intelligent software or secret intelligence services of the ruling governments in the biosphere. At the same time, this cyber substructure is being hit by rapid-spiked strain application traffic that endures to evolve in intricacy. The domestic network substructure relied upon by the government establishments, enterprises; Telecommunication Service Providers (TSP) and Internet Service Providers (ISP) were unquestionably not authenticated to be impermeable to this rapid-spiked strain, malicious traffic etc. Thus it is currently disintegrating.

Cyber attack on Sri Lanka web sites
In the Sri Lankan viewpoint, statistically more than 350+ Sri Lankan Government, Military and 20,000+ Private Sector Web Sites were Defaced/Data breached and is leaked during the past few years. The cost estimation of the sensitive data losses due to those breaches/leaks approximately several billions of dollars ($). Even the Secretary of Defence of Sri Lanka’s mobile phone has been wiretapped and eavesdropped several times by foreign realm’s illegal movements according to recently-published news articles. In particular Sri Lanka Army website was hacked and came to a standstill for three days during the last stages of the war.

Hack-back philosophy
A unique model should be developed to achieve the maximum conceivable cyber security of cyber borderline/boundaries of Sri Lanka by hardening the cyber infrastructure, counter attack back (hack-back) to the hackers and trace back the attack as soon as it arrives in the Sri Lankan cyber borderline. Discussing the affiliations among the global illegal digital movements against Sri Lanka and formation of a comprehensive national cyber defence system to evade or mitigate the perimeter cyber gateways and backdoors in Sri Lankan cyber space is urgently needed today.

The fundamental doctrines of this prototypical model will be innovated in which framework a “Hack-Back” conjectural approach and its significance to information security and cyber security. This model is a brand-new and cutting-edge Sri Lankan innovation, which is at present merely limited specialists observes, yet it is under the extreme experimental stage, also it is under the fully spectrum radar and hologram phase for the reason that the severity of the area and lastly, no one ever instigated or conceived a verified comprehensive vibrant prototypical model. It also develops the hypothetical firm model by deliberating the impact of novel emerging technologies on National Cyber Defence.

Right to cyber self-defence
At the event of being hacked by the remote country, we might fail to attack them back for the reason that the specific computerised cyber infrastructure we used to hack-back is not powerful enough (prevailing infrastructure is powerless). This means we need more powerful computerised cyber infrastructure and attacking powered digital resources. To accomplish this mission we need to design and implement a newfangled strategy based approach. I suggest we implement Soft Smart Grid concept (Multi Processing or Parallel Processing) where the GOOGLE Search Engine is used to run as a worldwide relentless service. The Google Search Engine is engineered on more than few thousands of inexpensive PCs instead of using high grade extreme powered servers. The Google Search Engine is virtuously engineered with the Python programming language and it has used the Distributed Computing concept. This means every component or element of the Search Engine is highly deployed on the PC farm to diminish the single point traffic consumption (High Availability (HA) or Load-Balancing). Instead of having every component of Search Engine in the designated server atmosphere, now the Google has deployed its Search Engine in the PC pool. The Smart Soft Grid concept is accumulating the individual PC’s processing power and building an enormous computer grid (it signifies as a one powerful computer like super computer). If we are powerless to attack the attacker, I would like to suggest the similar concept for this covert operation.

On such occurrence, initially the ISP’s border gateway sensor BOTs in our sensor BOTNET will accumulate the information about the users who are online and send their information (including local IP address etc.) to the covert operational centre. It is time to seizure the nation’s individual PCs, who are online for the sake of the national security. The online users will get the calls or be well-versed about the emergency situation by the Ministry of Defence official or designated high ranking military officer prior to its authority override of the nation’s individual PCs to overwhelm this national catastrophe. In supplementary words the designated military official will  inform the online user that their country is in a great digital disaster, therefore the particular PC should be temporary and mandatorily taken over by the military for the national security in accordance to the governing emergency law suite, also instructs them not to interrupt (disconnect the internet) or not to switch off their PC’s till the mission is accomplished.

Save cyber motherland
To save the motherland every individual must sacrifice many, particularly at the event of war. According to the governing emergency law (emergency protocol or contingency protocol) in a country, military have the solitary power to takeover and override any of the nation’s available sources prevailing in the civil society to safeguard the nation and overwhelm whichever national catastrophe. The aforesaid is a general military practice which every country has in the biosphere and it is not a novel or groundbreaking drill. I have revolutionised the identical outmoded authentic military procedure to the cyber space with the provision of the governing military regulations (law suites) and military sole authority power at an emergency situation to safeguard the motherland (national security or defence) especially when the country is in the cyber war.

People can argue about this innovative concept’s ethicality, then again they must also argue prior to this with the governing emergency law (emergency protocol or contingency protocol) and reputed outmoded legitimate military procedure at an emergency, on the other hand my strong solitary argument is our prime resource is our motherland, therefore military should take whatever the action to safeguard it from the foreign catastrophes.

From cyber crime to cyber warfare
The classic example I would suggest in contrast in this manner would be, at the event of an aero-plane being hijacked by the terrorists, presume hypothetically that the terrorist are threatening the government that their demands should be satisfied and upon the failure of the government the consequences would to execute each passenger one at a time throughout the scheduled time till the government responds positively to the demanded need (may be they are asking to release an international terrorist leader from the government’s custody or sometimes the failure of demand may result in crashing the aero-plane (suicidal attack) to the maximum populated area in the city side (Ex. 9/11 Disaster), mostly U.S. Government as such resilient governments are trying to negotiate with the terrorists to bring down the causalities to the minimum rate. But upon the failure of every negotiation, as a worst case scenario they are not going to negotiate with the terrorists anymore. They will designate the 2 or 3 air-force fighter jets to fly with the hijacked passenger air-plane and instruct them to shoot the hijacked aero-plane if it is necessary even with all their precious natives, who are flying in the passenger aero-plane to save the lives of most of the people who are living in the city area. It is a countless sacrifice any government will do at a worst case scenario to diminish the impact of the breach in the biosphere. In this scenario they are trying to minimise the causalities as much as possible.

In this case, upon being notified by the military, with the support of custom exploits, payloads or any supplementary malicious codes which were developed with the support of the custom exploit development team will be used to root (hack) all the correspondence online PCs and which will installs the Zombie Rootkit based BOTs or Boot-kit based BOTs to launch the enormous counter attack back to the assailants as a whole nation. The power of this attack would be inestimable and attackers surely will learn a decent lesson from trivial country like Sri Lanka.

Essential training for the core team
I recommend to train the workforces to evade Lie Detectors and also provide them the comprehensive psychology training entirely based on Anti-Panic, for the reason that I have faith in, on the event of hijack or kidnap one of its operative for some reason by some international backed party; they will surely cross check with the kidnapped operator for revelation of numerous secrets of this covert operation.

Unlike Sri Lankan criminal teams, they may be used the state-of-the-art technologies to disclose the secrets such as Computerized Lie Detectors with HID (Human Interface Devices) feature. In such occasion, reveal of utmost vital information may cause a collateral overall damage for this operation and it might be the end of the covert operation forever. Therefore workforce must be certainly trained to upkeep its seamless operation and its operation continuity.
I strongly recommend to train (genuine cyber combat training) the next generation of hackers (junior) under the engaged genuine hackers for the future generation workforce as a mutual project of this for the continuity of this covert operation.

I also have faith in that only the real hackers know how other hackers are attacking and it will be the most critical successive factor of this entire covert operation. Every workforce associate should be properly trained to under control whichever situation by providing them with special Commandos, SWAT and Marine survival combat training.

"  To contribute in this effort, I demonstrated taxonomy of the “VENOM KILLS VENOM” philosophy based on topological and prototypical revolutionary concept to the entire biosphere from the trivial realm like Sri Lanka "
The way forward
 To contribute in this effort, I demonstrated taxonomy of the “VENOM KILLS VENOM” philosophy based on topological and prototypical revolutionary concept to the entire biosphere from the trivial realm like Sri Lanka. This demonstrates that revolutionary network attack back models give liberty to the contemporary malware and offensive hacking tactics in a considerable resilience. I suggest using Hack-Back Philosophy was a phenomenon effective response to future target attacks. It would be thought-provoking to see how the common sense, philosophies of inference and sensibleness inspected in this chronicle are formed, reinforced and transformed in supplementary social contexts. To achieve the maximum performance we need more vibrant telescopic view sight beyond our individual imaginations.

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