Gautama Buddha visits His Relatives in Kapilawasthupura     Follow

Significance of Medin Full Moon Poya day


On the first Medin Full Moon Poya day after the Enlightenment and seven years after the “Abhiniskramanaya” or leaving the royal palace seeking Emancipation Gautama Buddha visited His relatives in Kapilawastupura, the capital of the Sakyan kingdom. The city of Kapilawasthu was also known as Kimbulwathpura.

Endeavour in search of the Truth
From the time of Abhiniskramanaya  or the day when prince Siddhartha left the royal palace and went in search of the truth, Mokshaya, total liberation or the freedom from transmigration the state of Nirvana, His father, King Suddhodhana kept himself informed of the developments of his son. 
During a period of six long years he received various items of news and some of them were heartbreaking. On a number of occasions news was brought to him that prince Siddhartha had died.  According to legends some parties had brought human bones to substantiate their statements. However, the king rejected their news on the contention that Sakyans did not die before their maximum span of life.


"Contrary to the king’s expectations all the nine envoys joined the Order with their followers and attained Arahantship."


News for the consolation of the king   
After six long years, the happy news that his son had attained Buddhahood was brought to the king for his consolation. King Suddhodhana rejoiced at the news that his son had attained Enlightenment and was preaching His doctrine at Rajagaha Nuwara Veluwanaramaya. The king who was longing to hear about his son was overcome with joy and happiness.  Enraptured by the latest news about his son, the king immediately sent one of his ministers to invite the Enlightened One to Kimbulwathpura.  
The envoy was accompanied by more than one thousand followers. Relatives too were anxious to see the Buddha. The king got his men to construct Nigrodharamaya for the Buddha and His disciples. However, to the disappointment of the king and the relatives the envoy did not come back.  He and his followers had entered the priesthood having heard the Dharma from the Buddha and had not conveyed the message.On nine successive occasions the king sent envoys to invite the Buddha to Kimbulwathpura.  Contrary to the king’s expectations all the nine envoys joined the Order with their followers and attained Arahantship. Since Arahants were indifferent to worldly affairs they did not convey the king’s message to the Buddha. The disappointed king ultimately sent Kaludai, who was a playmate of prince Siddhartha as an envoy. Kaludai agreed to go on condition that he would be allowed to enter the Order. 
Kaludai too entered the Oder in the like manner and attained Arahantship but unlike the previous envoys he told the Enlightened One that the rainy season was over and the time was quite good to visit Kimbulwathpura. The Blessed One accepted the invitation and attended by a large retinue of disciples journeyed the whole distance preaching Dharma on the way and arrived at Kimbulwathpura in two months.


Absence of Princess Yasodhara
When the Exalted One preached Anumeveni Bana all but princess Yasodhara came to pay their reverence to the Enlightened One. Princes Yasodhara remained in her apartment assuming that Buddha would pay her a visit if she was sincere and virtuous enough.
Buddha handed over His bowl to the king and accompanied by His two chief disciples entered the apartment of princess Yasodhara and sat on the seat prepared for Him.  “Let the king’s daughter pay reverence as she likes” the Blessed One said and she came swiftly, clasped His ankles and placing her head on His feet worshipped Him. 


King Suddhodhana’s commendations 
King Suddhodhana commended her saying that she had given up garlands, comfortable seats and beddings and wore yellow robes hearing that Buddha was doing so. He also said that she resorted to one meal a day and rejected the offers made by her relatives to maintain her. 


Prince Rahula and Prince Nanda
A large number of Sakyan princes and princesses entered the Order notably Prince Rahula, son of prince Siddhartha and princes Yasodhara, His step Brother, Prince Nanda,  prince Ananda, His cousin ,who ministered to all the needs of the Buddha until His parinibbana, and Sakkya Nobles, Anuruddha, Bhaddiya, Bhagu, Kimbila and Devadatta.

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