Outdated Thriposha given to pregnant mothers, children

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By P.A.P. Kumara
A large number of Thriposha packets were issued to children and pregnant mothers by the Ranorawa Hospital clinic in Nochchiyagama were from a stock that had expired two days before they were distributed.  These items were distributed to malnourished mothers through Divisional Health Medical Offices.
Some of the mothers said that the family health officer had instructed them to obtain Thriposha from the Ranorawa Hospital after weighing them in a temple in the Kokunnewa area. The children had allegedly received their quota for the following month as well with some children taking away two packets and others four. When inquiries were made about the apparent blunder from the family health officer of the Ranorawa Divisional hospital, she had refused to speak to the media. Attempts made to obtain clarification about this from the doctor in charge of the hospital, Harsha Pathiragoda was also unsuccessful.
According to a hospital spokesman, when the stock of Thriposha was received by the hospital, the expiry date had already passed by three months.


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