Confidence in govt. eroded due to lethargy in acting against corrupt     Follow

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana   

The People’s trust in the government had somewhat eroded as a result of the delay in taking legal action against those who were accused of corruption including those in the bond scam, State Minister Niroshan Perera told Parliament yesterday.   

Speaking during the debate on the regulations imposed under the Judicature Amendment Bill , the State Minister said Former Central Bank Governor Arjun Mahendran remains in Singapore, ridiculing the international laws pertaining to extradition of those who are facing corruption charges.   He said the delays in taking legal action against the corrupt could be a crucial factor when it comes to the presidential elections. “This delay could affect certain political parties at the presidential election,” he said.   


Delays in taking legal action against the corrupt could be a crucial factor when it comes to the presidential elections

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