In memory of fallen heroes: Remembering the sacrifices of those young lives

Sombre November rolls along   
Bringing grim reminders of death and decay;   
Starting with the Festival of the Dead.   

Cleaned up grave-yards, aglow with candle-light   
Masses of flowers atop mounds; garlanded monuments   
A colourful festival of the dead.   

Whisps of vapoury smoke   
Whispered prayers, stinging tears.   

Red Poppies for fallen heroes   
Who braved war that others might live.   

Dismembered bodies   
On desolate modern Flanders   
As crimson blood seeps, merging with the soil.   

As imitation poppies do the rounds.   

Can this once a year reminder, suffice?   
The great sacrifice!   

Could scarlet poppies or crimson roses e’er repay?   
The sacrifice of those young lives that bled away.

Jeannette Cabraal   
Waragoda Rd, Kelaniya

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