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As we approach the end of the calendar year it appears that those with crazy ideas in Sri Lanka are coming out of the woodwork faster than wood lice after a dry rot treatment.
With the world in search of a cure for the Corona virus it seems some are out doing each other to concoct portions to cure the virus. The lure of earning at the expense of gullible and hapless Lankans is far too appealing, it seems.
It was only a few days ago that a person boasting credentials of treating the hoi polloi of the political world carried an ornate silver pot filled with a portion that its creator claimed was a cure for the dreaded corona virus.
Paying scant regard to social distancing they thronged to offer the portion to a sacred tree. Luckily sanity prevailed and the man when he realised he was not allowed to do as he pleased professed to be the reincarnation of a powerful Hindu goddess and issued thinly veiled threats to those that prohibited him from making his offering. At that time the vast majority awoke from their stupor and realised the herbalist should perhaps be admitted to the IDH sans his elixir.
Also in the news was another who claimed to have concocted a covid cure and had thousands beating a path to his door in search of a vial of honey and herbs. Keen to try anything to protects their health and longevity we also witnessed a spectacle of politicians headed by the health minister no less downing gulps of this questionable 'miracle cure.'
Yes people are desperate to shield themselves from covid but surely not as desperate as to risk their lives and blood sugar levels to down concoctions which have not been tested and its claims of curing verified? There were those who also took it with a "good if it works, no harm if it doesn't" attitude, because it was herbal. There is a system in place to test medicines, why not use that to verify the claims of its healing powers first rather than duping and possibly doping the masses?!
Not content with having to deal with those offering untested cures for covid we were also regaled by news of a professional who claimed he could cure homosexuality!
The mind boggles as to how this genius would achieve that, beat it out or smoke it out? It beggars belief as to what mental capacity they pocess in order to make such wild and lofty claims! With all these 'healers' in abundance, I wish someone would make a miracle portion that would restore common sense so that we dont become the laughing stock of the world!