A strange new world is creeping into our everyday existence. Our daily lives are very different from what it used to be leaving us feeling nostalgic for the untroubled existence we enjoyed, unaware of the impending doom and how it would change our lives forever. We complained of busy schedules, juggling house and careers, we groaned over another busy school year filled with sports, plays and exams. A trip to the beach was a spontaneous moment of planning, dinner with friends, Sunday evening neighbourhood cricket matches, upteen kiddies birthday parties, these moments in time knotted together with the thread of happiness, comfort and family to create the fabric of “Us”. Our lives were full to the brim spilling over with joy and we took it for granted.


Like a fabled fairy tale, along came an evil enemy and changed our lives overnight. Rather than fight a substantive adversary we battle an unseen illusive one. We took refuge in the safety of our homes, behind closed doors we hugged our loved ones and pondered on our fate. In those quiet moments we reminisced on what we lost ..and we wanted it back. We understood that the only way forward was to fight the disease with a changed perspective on our everyday lives. Not accepting defeat we communed with others in the most powerful weapon that we had, the virtual world. Living online has been the lifeline to regaining a semblance of our everyday lives whilst at the same time keeping our families safe. Children, not being able to physically attend school or extra curricular classes have been able to resume their education. This new revolution has indeed given rise to the modern world, a virtual existence which at first might seem fraught with issues because of the newness of it, but in actuality offers our children as well as ourselves a bigger better world to live in.

Benefits of living online

1 Connection – At the click of a button, the world is at your fingertips. From insta lives to virtual zoom meetings to breaking news alerts, you are connected to the world as it is happening right now from every corner, north, south, east and west.

2 Communication - It also allows you to regularly keep in touch with loved ones where ever you are without relying on snail mail. Meeting online sometimes turns out to be more regular rather than finding the time to physically meet. Friends and family who might not be able to attend important events due to distance can easily be part of important events of your life as they unfold.

3 Education – Online schooling as been the only way forward with our children resuming their everyday lives. Undergraduates have been able to spend time in safety with their families whilst also following foreign degrees. In the difficult situation we have found ourselves in, online learning has been the lifeline for normality.

4 Entertainment – When once attending a concert, touring a museum or even doing a yoga class needed to be planned, your new online world lets you in with the right link. Your horizons have indeed broaden and it keeps growing with the changes in times.

5 Work and Enterprise – Many companies who were able to, made the shift to work from home. In addition, a new era of workers rose, the entrepreneurs. With a wider market to tackle at their fingerr tips, advertising portals in everyday social medias, individuals were motivated to put into fruition that daydream that they once had, and make it into a business. Obviously for most this online world is still a fantasy. Much like a mission to Mars we ponder at its success frustrated by our own inabilities of being technically proficient. But whether we are Millennials, Gen Z or the rise of the Gen Alphas, we ALL need to get “techy” savy fast. The virus changed our lives and in some instances for the better. It opened up a more efficient way of living, one which stretched our potential. So brew yourself a cuppa, get cosy and click to begin..a whole new world is waiting.

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