Pannipitiya Private Hospital most tech savvy in Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka’s premier private hospital, Pannipitiya Private Hospital, parallel to its 20th anniversary celebrations has introduced several modern technological features to its portfolio for the benefit of its patients.
The hospital has now been equipped with the most sophisticated testing tools that can cater to any of the top-most medical tests and treatment in the health field today. Among the state-of-the-art testing devices introduced for sophisticated medical tests by Pannipitiya Private Hospital are the biochemical analyser, hormones analyzer and bone density scanner.
With the bone density scanning tests patients get the opportunity to read bone loss ahead of time and prevent ailments related to the human skeletal system. With the 5D ultrasound scanner introduced recently by Pannipitiya Private Hospital the real image of the fetus in the womb of the mother can be witness on the screen real time. Pannipitiya Private Hospital takes honours to be the first hospital in Sri Lanka to introduce this technology to a maternity unit. The 5D ultrasound technology also enables doctors to get firsthand and accurate data of the unborn baby with the 5D ultrasound scanner test. “The purpose of us introducing the latest modern technology in the health sector is to enable everyone live a healthy life. Cutting off unwanted expenditure and passing that over to our patients is the policy of our hospital. Hence, all medical checks and treatments are offered for a very affordable and reasonable fee,” said Pannipitiya Private Hospital Chairman and Managing Director Dr. Ananda Kuruppuarachchi. 
Pannipitiya Private Hospital, which provides medical treatment and services round the clock 24-7, has extended its X-ray services throughout the day. In addition, neurodiagnostic checks, CT scan checks, respiratory system checks, eye surgery and many more high-tech medical checks could be administrated through Pannipitiya Private Hospital laboratory’s cutting-edge high-tech devices. The Suwanary Clinic of the hospital, which caters to women’s infertility ailments, too functions very successfully.

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