Construction work at Kuragala Asadisi Sugatha Maha Seya cheithiya Thousands of people including Mahasangha participate

By Prince Ratnayake   

Construction works of Kuragala Asadisi Sugatha Maha Seya cheithiya in Kuragala archaeological site has commenced with the participation of thousands of people including Mahasangha from far and wide providing free labour. Kuragala archaeological site in the Ratnapura District had been reclaimed from the jungle recently. The proposed Cheithiya would be built at the location where ruins of an ancient Stupa had been found.  

Mahasangha including Balangoda Buddhist Affairs Co-ordinator Ven Udawela Jinarathana, Lekakadhikari of the Medagamnuwara Sasaharackshaka committee Ven.Bolthumbe Gunaratne, Ven. Waturakumbere Dhammarathana of the Nelligala International Buddhist Centre, Director of the Balangoda Social Development Foundation and Chief Incumbent of the Sri Sudarshana Maha Vihara Ven Imbulpe Vijitha Vijithawansa Thera and more than 150 Buddhist monks of the Pali and Buddhist University have joined the public providing free labour.   
The project is implemented under the supervision of the Department of Archaeology and Ven. Kotapola Damitha Thera. 


  • The proposed Cheithiya would be built at the location where ruins of an ancient Stupa had been found 


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