Opposition, Media distort beautification projects by Govt..

  • What the government is going to do is to renovate and modernise these  old and dilapidated buildings which are more than hundreds of years old,  to look attractive

By Sandun A Jayasekera   

The Government’s decision to renovate a number of historically important buildings together with the immediate environment in Colombo, entrusted to the Urban Development Authority (UDA) has created a major controversy among the Opposition and the media, Co Cabinet Spokesman, Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said yesterday.  

He charged that a huge misinformation, fabrication and misleading campaign has been launched by interested parties to suggest that the government was in a move to sell highly valuable prime lands in Colombo to investors friendly with the government.   

“These are utter lies. What the government is going to do is to renovate and modernise these old and dilapidated buildings which are more than hundreds of years old, to look attractive and make them as places of tourist attractions. Is this a sin? Is this a crime?” he asked.   

“The Gaffoor Building and the General Post Office building in Fort are some of the old but monumental buildings ear marked for the renovation by the UDA. I have obtained the Cabinet approval to set up a philatelic museum at the GPO,” he said.   

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