NDB takes action to control spread of dengue in selected areas

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Renowned for its beauty and sought for its tropical climate, Sri Lanka was able to successfully make its journey of becoming the Wonder of Asia.  
However with the rising levels of pollution that has led to deadly diseases such as denguehas taken its toll on this country and its people.  
As per statistics collected by the Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health Sri Lanka, it is  alarming that during the last 5 months of the year 2017, 52015 suspected dengue cases were reported from all over the island. It is seen thatone of the key reasons of this impending disease has become public ignorance; hence every measure must be taken to educate the general public on ways of eradicating dengue and preserve the environment for the future. 
With this in mind, NDB’s UvaSabaragamuwa region along with the NDB Ampara branch as one of the bank’s CSR activities, recently stepped into support the community through a walk against environment pollution and dengue. The event saw a participation of over 400 representatives from NDB Ampara branch and UvaSabaragamuwa region, MOH, environment circles, schools, environment committees, government offices, religious institutions, Police Department etc. 
The motive of this walk was to educate the public on environment pollution and its connection towards the spread of dengue. Participants distributed leaflets and created public awareness during the walk. The program concluded with a seminar carried out with the support of the MOH at the Municipal Council Auditorium Ampara. 
The bank also opened 5 sign boards on environment conservation at significant locations in Amparain order to obtain constant attention of the community in the area. NDB also donated mosquito nets to the Director Health of the region, to be distributed amongst hospitals in the area and ecofriendly bags were circulated amongst the participants.
Supporting NDB’s initiative, Dr. Rasika Hasantha, Coordinator of the Ampara District Environment Committee said, “I am grateful that NDB has taken steps to work hand in hand with the community of Ampara for this grave cause.  With the evolving technology, people have started to focus less on their environment and have made polythene and plastic a way of life. As a result these non-degradable materials harm the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil we live on.  This pollution has become a main cause for deadly diseases such as dengue and cancereven amongst children. Our future generation will be deprived of a cleaner world to live in if we do not take action immediately. As humans, we must all work together and make every effort to stand against polluting nature.”
NDB remains dedicated to guide its customers to success whilst being committed to support them accomplish their life long ambitions and uplift their standards of living through the range of services that is accessible through its growing branch network. 


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