Good Life X unveils rebranding strategy

The Good Life X team

Good Life X Pvt. Ltd announced its rebranding initiative recently, coinciding with the celebration of its 6th anniversary. 

The event welcomed over 100 GLX alumni, experts, scientists, academics, entrepreneurs, investors, as well as corporate leaders. 
Speaking at the event, Founder & CEO, Good Life X -  Randhula de Silva said, “As we step forward we are committing to connecting business & technology, creativity & community to design & activate rebalanced systems where nature and consciousness are at the core of every thought and action”.

Commenting on the success and growth of GLX, Director and Alchemist, Good Life X - Arj Wignaraja said, “We’ve encouraged a shift in mindset, inspiring action towards solving relevant problems in Sri Lanka and South Asia. Good Life X’s rebranding signifies not just a milestone but a reaffirmation of its mission to be a catalyst for positive change. We welcome as many people and organisations to partner with us to be catalysts for positive change”.

The new brand identity reflects Good Life X’s commitment to catalysing positive change. It embodies the company’s ethos of lateral thinking, creativity, and action-oriented approaches, creating ripple effects. By engaging with communities and sparking imagination, Good Life X aims to inspire a nationwide movement towards regenerative growth and a good life for all.

Looking ahead, Good Life X is poised to unlock nature’s potential through its trajectory focused on inspiring, educating, and showcasing the impact of nature-inspired initiatives. As a thought leader and advocate for conscious living, the company invites individuals and businesses to explore its new brand and be part of the change towards a regenerative future.

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