COVID sub-clusters begin to surface in multiple areas

Health authorities warn Colombo can become like Delhi

Coronavirus sub-clusters have emerged in multiple areas across the country following the Sinhala and Tamil New Year, health authorities said yesterday.

Among the areas where the sub-clusters emerged are Kurunegala, Narammala, Allawwa, Gampaha, Colombo, Puttalam, Trincomalee and Jaffna.

Public Health Inspectors Association (PHIA) Secretary M. Balasooriya told Daily Mirror that sub-clusters were initially reported from the Piliyandala, Maharagama, and Pamunuwa areas. Subsequently, sub-clusters emerged in a number of areas, Balasooriya said.

He said sub-clusters have also been reported from the garment sector, with infected individuals having already been detected at a few factories.

Twelve people from the Batuwatte area in Ragama and 26 individuals from Divulapitiya were found to have been infected after participating in various New Year related events. Health authorities are conducting contact tracing and have isolated those who have been identified as close associates of the infected.

Two stores in the Pamunuwa apparel market in Maharagama were closed, after two employees were found to have contracted the Coronavirus. Nearly 22 of their close contacts have been identified and have been isolated.

Balasooriya said they are receiving reports of infected individuals being detected in several areas and as a result contact tracing has commenced and they are being subjected to PCR tests.

The PHI Association Secretary said that in a bid to contain the situation, the Health Ministry had this week decided to increase PCR tests conducted per day to 15, 000 tests.

Sources within the Health Ministry said that if urgent steps are not taken to control the situation, Colombo which had emerged as the hot spot once again would face a similar situation as New Delhi.

Sources said this was just a pre-warning and the coming three weeks would be critical and urged people to maintain health guidelines with utmost priority or else face a critical situation. (JAMILA HUSAIN)

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