Ranil’s statement undermines judiciary: JHU

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The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), which is a constituent party of the government, said today Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s remarks on the Supreme Court order staying the arrest of former defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa undermined the judiciary.

The Prime Minister, had said the stay order had been given without allowing him or the Cabinet to make submissions.

JHU Media Secretary Nisantha Warnasinghe said such remarks were a slur on the supremacy of the Supreme Court and the rule of law.

“When the Supreme Court started hearing this case in which the Prime Minister was cited as one of respondents had not noticed to appear in Court and make submissions. In such an eventuality, an intervening motion should have been submitted,” Mr. Warnasinghe said.

“Although the Constitution has stipulated that a three-member bench should hear a fundamental rights application, this case was heard by two judges.  There is an argument that it is unconstitutional, but that is a matter for the Judiciary to sort out.”

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