Talks with President successful-BBS

The closed-door discussions between the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) and President Maithripala Sirisena this evening had been successful, BBS General Secretary Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera said.

The BBS organisation said it discussed several issues with the President.

“We have explained to the President about the threat of global Islamic extremists to Buddhists and Muslims in Sri Lanka,” he said.

“When discussed about Government’s plan to bring an Act in the Parliament, which can take control of the activities of Buddhist monks, the President said it should be discussed with the Chief Sangha Nayakas and would let the results known to all in the Sangha hierarchy,” he said.

“About 4,500 families in five remote villages in the Bogas Weva region in Vavuniya, who had been resettled by the previous government, have now started to get back to their previous places,” Ven. Gnanasara Thera said.

“The attention given to them by the Government and the influence from several Muslim Ministers and threats from Tamil separatists resulted in the villagers returning to their former places,” he said.

“Those villages have been set up by the help of tri forces. I am pleased to inform that the President had informed the Army Commander to take immediate action regarding the issue. We hope the President will take fruitful decisions in the future,” the Thera added.

“We will conduct an inspection tour to the Bogas Weva villages within the next few days and we hope President will pay more attention to Sinhala people as he paid attention to Muslims and people of other religions,” he said. (Chaturanga Pradeep)


Video by Chauranga Pradeep

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