State dengue breeders beware

Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena has ordered the National Dengue Control Programme today to take legal action against heads of state institutions where mosquito breeding is witnessed continuously and to hand over the list of institutions to the Presidential Task Force for Dengue Eradication, Ministry Media Secretary W. Wanninayake said

He said that the Ministry has identified that most institutions clean such breeding places only when an eradication week is declared. “Bus depots, police stations and court premises are the most prominent as neglected tyres, vehicles and barrels are dispersed in the vicinity”, he said.

The Dengue Eradication Programme was declared from December 1 to December 7. Under this programme mosquito breeding sites are to be located and anyone deemed to be responsible for creating an environment conducive for mosquitoes to breed would be penalized to the fullest extent.
In the same week Government offices are to be inspected the programme would move on to cover all the unused lands simultaneously. (Supun Dias)

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