SL must help toward peaceful settlement in the Maldives: Ranil

Sri Lanka must do its best for the Maldives to ensure a peaceful settlement to its crisis, Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe told Parliament yesterday.

“We must do our best to ensure normalcy in the Maldives,” he said making a statement in the House yesterday. He reminded that the SAARC and Commonwealth countries and others that are all there to help defuse the crisis.

Mr. Wickrmesinghe stressed that all in Maldives should cooperate with those who are trying to resolve the turmoil.

He said the safety of Former President Mohammed Nasheed and the supporters of the Maldivian Democratic Party is a matter of concern.

The Opposition Leader also informed the House that both President Mahinda Rajapaksa and himself had spoken to President Waheed to with regard to the situation. He said the Maldivian President had informed him that they are committed to the democratic reform and they will go ahead with it. (Yohan Perera)

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