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An online petition was launched this morning seeking the release of General Sarath Fonseka who is in military custody. Speaking at the launch former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva said Fonseka cannot be tried under the military law.
He said that the military law only applies to discipline and punish serving military officers and not those who have retired from service. (YP)
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:28 AM
The CJ of course. The senile Law Prof has not taken oaths as a lawyer and is therefore not qualified to give legal opinions.
7 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 12:11 PM
Please do not believe politicians and especially the ones change the colours to look after themselves.
True Democrat
4 10
Monday, 01 March 2010 12:09 PM
Hello Jerome,
For liberating the country from the terrorist.
Wake up man and come out from gutter politics
8 22
Monday, 01 March 2010 12:06 PM
Former CJ is becoming a political joker. He should at least maintain the dignity of the post which he was holding although he was a misfit to hold that respectable position.
16 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:58 AM
A great step forward
12 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:54 AM
Law professor
18 7
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:47 AM
11 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:32 AM
You know the law sir. Try your best to get General Fonseka the real war hero who fought truly against LTTE .
10 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:32 AM
Why should we release such a traitor?
21 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:32 AM
Let everybody know your site immediately to exceed 4 million votes soon. He must be released soon and I am fully agree with SNS.
10 10
Monday, 01 March 2010 12:18 PM
Hail General!
15 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:20 AM
He is not a Law professor - he only professes to know the law but actions prove otherwise. Better believe the CJ.
8 15
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:18 AM
Waste of time in a dictatorial environment
11 4
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:13 AM
UNP burnt their fingers by supporting SF in the elections. All UNPers should now go & vote for "their party" rather than swans & trophies etc.
24 10
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:07 AM
he is a war hero and its not justice to keep him under military custody. he should be released
8 16
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:34 AM
free jenaral sarth fonseka becouse he is heero of our great history
10 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:26 AM
Former CJ has lost his impartiality and credibility. What he staes now does not carry any more weight than any other politico.
11 10
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:00 AM
Ha ha ha , a bunch of jokers!!
18 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:59 AM
Then what about other prissonners ?? If this type of traitor/ thief can be released, then more than 50% can be released from prisson.
14 11
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 07:45 AM
Sarath Fonseka is one of the lion.
4 3
ganga Sunday, 14 November 2010 01:10 PM
we will always with u
0 1
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 09:15 AM
he is real real men in world
6 7
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 09:09 AM
Please release the War Hero to whom the nation is indebted.
5 6
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 08:37 AM
Get your words right, Chris Silva. Mr. Sarath N. Silva, our erstwhile formed Chief Justice says that a military man officially out of uniform CAN NOT be tried through a Court Marshal. There does not appear to be any gimmicks but plain fact.
5 11
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 08:14 AM
Sarath Fonseka may bea Hero but sarath N. Silva is Zero
0 4
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 07:49 AM
Truth is always like a Rubber Ball on the water... No matter how much we try to push is under the water... It will always surface above at the right time...!
3 3
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 07:48 AM
over twenty retired army personnel wrongly arrested , that tells you the ability , accuracy and ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'required for a ruling government is totally absent , that gives you a detail profile of the episode , at the end of the day the truth will prevail, you can bluff some people for some time but you canot bluff all the people all the time .
3 2
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 07:46 AM
Roshan, Why don't you takle the initative. JVP knows only that to pull its supporters to the streets.
What happened to the milliion signature thing even Ranil signed?
7 5
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:47 AM
Who is to be beleived. Former Chief justice or the Law professor.?
7 29
Tuesday, 02 March 2010 12:04 AM
Sarath Fonseka is a real hero.
14 19
Monday, 01 March 2010 11:37 PM
Sarath Fonseka is a historical 'spark,' which will 'ignite' a social revolution.
6 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 10:38 PM
'Awesome'! Online petition to rescue 'facebook president' :-)
11 8
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:54 PM
Free him, or face another historical blunder.
6 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:17 PM
The government's policy is to 'use' people, for their benefit - once 'used,' they are soon discarded. Remember what happened to Mangala? How did our 'regime' treat him after the 2004 Presidential election?
4 8
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:09 PM
5 16
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:45 PM
Why ridicule the ex-C.J.? Consequent to judicial proceeedings, over twenty retired Army personnel have already been released, on grounds that there was no basis for their continued detention. This shows nothing but the government's vindictive approach to this whole fabricated scenario.
8 6
Monday, 01 March 2010 12:30 PM
Another dead rope from Sarath Silva.
22 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:47 AM
Look who is talking ???????/
23 18
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:19 AM
why only online? these cyber petitions are meant for those cowards who are you too embarrased to show their face and stand up for the General in the open?
7 14
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:13 AM
Blind to Blind, Dictator to Dictator and Pissa to Pissa!
People of this country has already delivered the verdict very clearly and loudly.
34 14
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:12 AM
Good on you Mr. Sarath Silva
16 18
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:03 AM
In one era, what he thought was the decision even though it was not in compliance with the prevailing low. At least now he should realize that there is no room for such stupid decision presently.
5 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:59 AM
thanks good one...
22 12
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:53 AM
Sarath N Silva that MAKES TWO SARATHS!
39 26
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:52 AM
What ever the situation, if he has done wrong he has to face the law of the land....................... Thing dont just happen, even some what to show that it revange............
30 24
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:48 AM
shooting blanks
14 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:47 AM
This whole episode is a vendetta between two war heroes, in their own right.
16 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:22 AM
Former Chief Justice must be carefull, he also will be found fault for delivering wrong judgement in the cases he gave judjement.
11 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:46 AM
SF is a like a worthless coin!
62 29
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:44 AM
17 26
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:41 AM
Can we give him online foods?
53 21
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:37 AM
This is stupid.
45 26
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:33 AM
How we can trust your law points since your decisions were bias when you were the CJ.
21 36
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:31 AM
lol, another retired !. sir, please tell us, what is this 6 months period after retirement ? Is that false? is that true? Just because you support SF, does not try to alter or mis interpret the law.
20 35
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:29 AM
Silva is not an expert in Law as his judgements were not proper.
89 29
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:23 AM
As per the former Chief Justice it is clear the General Sarath Fonseka should be released immediately.It is high time the Sri Lankan people should come to the streets.
24 64
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:11 AM
Very difficult to understand why Sarath N. Silva is backing JVP
10 17
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:44 AM
Come on Sir. You are the right person to deal with the release of Major General Sarath Fonseka. We welcome your move and our support is for you to your good deed.
16 45
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:34 AM
What is the site ?
12 27
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:29 AM
Arjuna. Shame Shame Shame Shame
27 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:27 AM
He must go Life in prison
77 24
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:23 AM
Thank you, JVP, Sarath Silva, and others, for starting this. Where is the UNP?
16 46
Monday, 01 March 2010 09:02 AM
yes he should be release.
24 35
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:36 AM
He should be released immediately, unconditionally with an apology
16 24
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:34 AM
Sarath N Silva making controversial statements withour any authoruty to implement something. It is heresay.
8 15
Monday, 01 March 2010 06:21 AM
Is the post of CDS a civilian one?
Is this a election gimmick?
52 26
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:02 AM
Good start........... please implement as soon as possible .................
10 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 08:01 AM
What Purpose????
36 18
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:54 AM
thanks S n S...please teach the law to government...
13 15
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:40 AM
Now the government will get the Chinese to work hard and put this website out of the reach of the people in Sri Lanka.
11 30
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:37 AM
Law is like donkey.Which way turn it will go.
6 13
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:36 AM
Well said Hon. Sarath Silva. We are all in agreement with you. This is injustice and revenge. The culprits who are behind the illegal detention of General Fonseka should be tried in the court.
13 18
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:35 AM
Good thinking.
11 9
Monday, 01 March 2010 07:28 AM
Well said former CJ.... We all want you to do something in this regard... Anyway, we are confident that you maybe doing something behind the screen.... Aint it...?
15 7
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