Five accidents reported on Sunday in E-01

Five accidents took place on the Southern Expressway on Sunday bringing the number of accidents reported so far in Sri Lanka’s first highway to 57.

Southern Expressway Traffic Police Division SP Eric Perera said that the accidents were minor incidents and no injuries were reported.

He also said that the motorists should be careful while travelling on the expressway as the misty conditions still prevail in the area. He said that a policeman is been placed at every exit and entry point in order to create awareness of the weather condition.

The Southern Expressway Traffic Division has fined 471 individuals mainly for exceeding the speed limit (100 kilometres per hour).

A total of 57 accidents have been reported causing injuries to 18 persons so far since the first expressway in Sri Lanka was opened on November 27, last year.

Emergency units have been placed in three points in Gelanigama, Kurundugahahatakma and Pinnaduwa. The emergency number of the expressway is 1969.  (Supun Dias)

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