Central Unit for Crime Analysis opens

The police opened the Central Unit for Crime Analysis today to identify trends of criminal activities, the instant prevention of crime together with advice on the necessary measures that need to be taken and the establishment of divisional units to monitor crime.

Inspector General of Police N.K. Ilangakoon inaugurated the new arm within the police. The main aim of this analysis wing is to identify trends, and the criminology of crime that takes place in the country. 

The analysis will include all data regarding crime such as the shape of the suspect, the time the crime takes place, the motives, the methods of engaging in crime and weapons used to commit criminal activities.

This will enable the police to make maximum use of technological advancements in this sphere and be on par with many developed countries in the world who use such methods for criminal analysis.

Police media spokesman Ajith Rohana said that the unit would help prevent crime. A specialist in criminology and a scientist on criminal activity will be heading the unit. (Supun Dias)

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