Uniforms, IDs compulsory for bus crew from Feb.

Uniforms and Identity Cards would be compulsory from February 1 for bus crews, Transport Commission (NTC) Chairman Engr. M.A.P. Hemachandra said today.

“He said the drivers and conductors should wear their identity cards in a way visible to commuters. This regulation would be implemented on 3,100 Inter Provincial buses operating under NTC,” he said.

“Sample uniforms would be provided to both driver and the conductor and they can be obtained from the NTC office at the Bastian Mawatha,” Mr. Hemachandra said.

“A penalty would be charged from the drivers and conductors who violate the regulation and fail to wear uniforms on duty,” he said.

“Buses will be allowed to enter or leave the Bastian Mawatha bus stand only if the drivers and conductors wear their uniforms and the identity cards.

“These regulations would make bus crews behave properly. Flying-squads had been placed on bus routes to nab drivers and conductors who refuse to wear uniforms and IDs,” he said. (Chaturanga Pradeep)

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