Sri Lankan High Commission in Kenya celebrates Independence Day

Kenya, Feb. 04 (Dail.y Mirror)- The Sri Lankan High Commission in Kenya organised an event to commemorate Sri Lanka's 76th Independence Day, attended by Cabinet Ministers of Kenya, the TRI forces Chief of Kenya, and other distinguished guests.

Around 350 distinguished guests, including Deputy Governor of Nairobi City  Njoroge Muchiri, Ambassadors, UN officials, business leaders, and members of the Sri Lankan community residing in Kenya attended the event.

The ceremonial opening included the traditional Sri Lankan gesture of offering beetle leaves and Independence Day commemorative shawls to the guests. High Commissioner Kana  Kananathan then hoisted the national flag, accompanied by the Kenyan Police Band playing the Sri Lankan national anthem.

A poignant moment unfolded during the celebration with the symbolic lighting of the oil lamp. Unlike the customary practice of adults and the VIP’s , this year witnessed a gathering of young Sri Lankan torchbearers, aged 5-16 years, representing the diverse ethnicities of the nation, as they collectively ignited the lamp.

Guests who attended the ceremony praised the High Commissioner  Kananathan for this and said that is powerful gesture signifies the emergence of a new generation, emphasizing a collective dedication to patriotism over divisive mindsets. It serves as a compelling testament to the commitment to unity and a shared national identity that transcends boundaries.

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