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Saltwater intrusion is common occurrence along the Kalutara lagoon boundaries now following the deepening of lagoon estuary.
Remaining coconut trees behind the Kalutara South Railway Station are in the verge of destruction due to this phenomenon .
Residents of the area say, over one metre of sand reef between the Kalutara lagoon and the sea has been washed away to the sea and it would cause serious threat to the environment.
Area residents visited this area to get a glance of this situation yesterday as big waves are approaching after the collapse of sand reef.
People believe that this situation can bring some negative consequences to the Kalutara Navy Camp, Kalutara Main bridges and Coastal Railway line if precautionary measures are not introduced.
When we contacted yesterday, the Officer In charge of the Disaster Management Center Mr. Prasad Jayasinghe said that the Kalutara District Secretary, officials of the Department of Coastal Conservation and the officials of his unit were scheduled to explore the situation.
Kalutara District Irrigation Engineer N.D. Weerakkody said they have made arrangements to place sand bags to minimise saltwater intrusion after a discussion with the officials of the Coastal Conservation Department. (Sunil S. Thanthriarachchi)