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The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) yesterday requested to submit an investigation report on the islandwide power failure within three-days
Issuing a letter the Director-General Damitha Kumarasinghe, the PUSCL requested a report containing the initial investigations on the cause of the failure and details of the restoration process, on or before August 20. The letter also requested a detailed investigation report on the failure and the actions taken to avoid similar failures in future, on or before September 17.
The full letter as follows:
The Commission observes an occurrence of an island-wide power failure approximately from 12.45 pm yesterday, disrupting the economic and institutional activities as well as the activities of the general public.
As per the said Condition 30(1) of the Electricity Transmission and Bulk Supply Licence No. EL/T/09-002 issued to the Ceylon Electricity Board, "the Licensee shall jointly and severally as one of the Licensees ensure that the Licensees will together provide for and maintain a co-ordinated, efficient and economical system of electricity generation, transmission and distribution and supply within Sri Lanka at all times"
As per Condition 30(10)of the Licence, "The Licensee shall obtain prior approval of the Commission for every scheduled interruption of electricity supply throughout the Island/ or major part of the Island irrespective of the cause of the same, other than the interruptions necessary due to maintenance in respect of which prior notice is given to the general public. The Licensee shall also prepare a report on any event that resulted in unplanned interruption of electricity supply throughout the Island/ or major part of the Island including causes for the same, and submit to the Commission, within one month of such event or within a period Approved by the Commission"