Independent views should not be suppressed just because one joins a party: Rajitha

Colombo, Feb 22 (Daily Mirror) -  Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Rajitha Senaratne who has been continously expressing his support for the scrapping of the Executive Presidency today stressed that one should not suppress his or her independent views just because he or she belongs to a political party. 

"I don't think you should keep suppressing your independent views just because you have joined a party or are holding a post in it. There is no party in the world that fits into  our ideology or conscience," Dr. Senaratne said in his latest Facebook Post. 

"Some of our statements may clash with the party's stance. There may be times that some actions of the party clash with our ideologies as well. This does not mean we have  betrayed the party or that the party has betrayed us," he added.

"There may be politically strong leaders and  millions of members in a political party. There can be a lot of differences and conflicts within a party. A political movement does not progress without opinions. An ideological conflict should not create personal hatred. We need to be mature humans. There are passionate people in a party while  there may be  those who are lost and confused. Hope the leaders of our party understand this fact," he also said.

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