Sleeping passenger misses bus stop; carried to and fro     Follow

An entrepreneur travelling by bus to Nochchiyagama took twice as long to return home after he missed his getting-off point not once but twice.  

The young businessman who had come to Colombo on a business matter had on his return to Nochchiyagama had taken a bus travelling to Vavuniya through Puttalam.  

After a tiring day, the man had naturally fallen asleep on his way home only to be rudely shaken awake from his deep slumber by the bus conductor at Anuradhpura. It was then that he realized he had missed his stop and was 25 Km away from home.

Crossing the road he had taken a bus heading towards his home town and secure in the knowledge he was on his way home, he had once again fallen asleep only to be shaken awake once again by the bus conductor.  

He had missed his stop for the second time and was well on his way back to Colombo. After getting off the bus he again crossed the road to board a bus, which finally took him home at the break of dawn. (Jayartne Wickramaarachchi)


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