‘Gourmet Circle’ Sri Lanka’s own dedicated culinary magazine

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Sri Lanka's first-ever distinctive food and beverage magazine,‘Gourmet Circle' was launched recently amid a large and distinguished gathering at the Barefoot Garden Café. Brainchild of Narmada Muller of‘Bistro Latino' and Lanka Oberoi fame,‘Gourmet Circle' finally fills a void in Sri Lanka's burgeoning food and beverage, and culinary industry.

This launch issue sparkles with chats and recipes, journeys and stories, tips and tales drawn from the ultimate gourmet experience while its dazzling images leap out of its 80 pages inspiring a 360° gastronomic indulgence.

Says the Editor Narmada Muller, 'With Sri Lanka's hospitality industry heading for an all time high, we felt that a dedicated magazine of this nature would, in its own way, complement the local food industry. Gastronomy is now very fashionable. It has its own art forms, its own way of life and its distinct 'joie de vivre'.With the creativity, drive and 'savoir faire' of our very own players, Sri Lanka undoubtedly has the potential to one day, be the gastronomic hub of South Asia'.

'Food has been a passion all my life, an indulgent father and a mother who is probably the best cook I know, nurtured that zeal for food in me.With Gourmet Circle we aspire to go beyond dining.We are on a mission to celebrate the broader view of food lifestyles laced with an intelligent and informative tone,' she adds.

‘Gourmet Circle' features the latest news from the local and international culinary scene.

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