Kandakadu cluster: Not a wide-spread scenario- Dr. Jasinghe

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While claiming that 428 Covid 19 Positive cases had been reported from Kandakadu and Senapura Rehabilitation Centres, Director General of Health Services Dr Anil Jasinghe today said the spreading of the virus in the respective areas was not a wide-spread scenario.

“The spreading of the virus is only confined to the isolated areas,” Dr Jasinghe said. 

He said surveillance by intelligence services had been beefed-up round the country to detect Covid-19 positive cases and added there were no signs to suggest that the viral infection had spread islandwide or a second wave of the viral infection was on.

“All precautionary and protective measures have been taken to prevent further escalation of the pandemic,” he said.

“What we expect from the public is to follow protective guidelines and health protocol to the letter. Unfortunately, we have witnessed some complacency among the public in the last few weeks. Therefore, I reiterate that if we are to control Covid-19 successfully, each and every Sri Lankan must be determined to adhere to health guidelines,” he stressed.


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