Star Guide Forecast for The week (December 29 Saturday to january 04 Friday)     Follow

Aries (Mesha):

Venus due in your 8th House to join Jupiter holds out living comforts, financial gains, acquisition of land or a housing property and generally happy time.  Matrimonial prospects are bright for maidens and bachelors. Mars in your 12th House indicates heavy expenses, health problems and even the necessity to undergo surgery. Brace for loss of wealth, humiliation, health problems and worries with an unfavorable Sun with Saturn in the 9th House.  Saturn due in the 9th House by Jan:1 will aggravate this situation for it is not favourable in this House.  


Taurus (Vrushabha):

You should take special care to maintain cordial relations with spouse and business partners and watch your expenses given un favourable Venus – Jupiter combination in the 7th House.  However, financial gains, sound health and domestic peace and happiness are indicated by Mars in your 11th House. Unforeseen troubles, heavy expenses and poor health are to be expected due to the unfavourable Sun-Saturn combination in the 8th House.  Mercury due in your 8th House will mitigate unfavourable results to some extent while bringing a measure of power, influence 
and authority. 


Gemini (Mithuna):

You must take special care to avoid misunderstandings with friends and protect honour and reputation due to unfavourable Venus due in your 6th House. A possible rise in career or happiness at work and a generally happy and peaceful time are held out by Mars in your 10th House.  Monetary problems, poor health, conflicts with spouse and business partners are likely due to unfavourable Sun -Saturn conjunction in the 7th House.  Success at exams and contests and financial gains are in the offing thanks to Jupiter in the 6th House.  A new opportunity career- wise will come your way, which you should not miss, thanks to Jupiter in your 6th House. Both gains and problems are on the cards. Control your expenditure, avoid unnecessary travels and speculations. 


Cancer (Kataka):

Venus due in the 5th House will herald a very favourable time for artistes. Tensions, worries and health problems are indicated by Mars in your 9th House. Financial stability, success in contests and a whip hand over rivals and enemies are assured by the powerfully placed in the 6th House with Saturn.  A happy time at workplace and an increase in income are held out by Jupiter in your 5th House heralding a generally favourable time for you. Matrimonial prospects for unmarried young men and women are very bright. 


 Leo (Sinha):

Venus due in your 4th House assures success in studies, a peaceful mindset and enhanced living comforts. An unfavourable Mars in your 8th House points to heavy expenses, proneness to accidents and blood-related ailments. Monetary problems, poor health and worries are likely due to unfavourable Sun and Saturn in the 5th House. Happiness from mother and children and the acquisition of land or a vehicle are on the cards due to Jupiter in the 4th House. 


Virgo (Kanya):

A professionally and financially good time and cordial relations with siblings and co-workers are held out by Venus due in your 3rd House. Proneness to bad temperament and disputes and conflicts with spouse and business partners are a strong possibility given Mars in your 7th House. Indigestion, disharmony in the family and mental unrest are on the cards due to unfavourable Sun and Saturn in the 4th House. A brief journey for an academic purpose, acquisitions for enhancing comfortable living, Power, authority and high position, sound health are held out by Jupiter in the 3rd House.  Though Jupiter is not strong in the new House, his beneficial aspect over the 5th, 7th and 9th Houses can bring a host of benefits. Foreign travel is in store for some natives. 


Libra (Thula):

Good health, monetary gains and a happy family are held out by Venus due in your 2nd House. Mars in your 6th House holds out honour and respect from society, financial gains and even a rise in your career. Higher status, sound health and wealth are indicated by a powerful Sun with Saturn in the 3rd House. General prosperity and business success are indicated by Jupiter in the 2nd House.  The birth of a son for those married and matrimony for young bachelors and maidens are also indicated. You will have all comforts and luxuries at your disposal. 


Scorpio (Vrushika):

Venus due in your 1st House holds out a happy time in the family, good health and a cheerful mindset. Mars in your 5th house is a warning for you to avoid gaming activity and speculation -related trading particularly on the share market. Loss of wealth and eye problems are indicated by the Sun – Saturn combine in the 2nd House.  Jupiter in the Lagna holds out a time when you will gain honour, respect, status rather than material success.  Time on is favourable for foreign travel, scholarly activity and spiritual pursuits but unfavourable for parents.  


Sagittarius (Dhanu):

You are advised to avoid monetary transactions and embarking on new plans given an uncertain Venus due in the 12th House. Mars in your 4th House indicates proneness to ailments related to blood and digestive system, the possibility of your relations with relatives going sour and losses and troubles arising from property transactions.  You are prone to hypertension and heart trouble due to unfavourable Sun in the Lagna. Though Jupiter is not favourable in the 12th House, his aspect over the 4th and the 6th Houses will bring you a host of benefits. Be wary of enemy machinations and keep away from litigation.  


Capricorn (Makara):

Financial stability, a happy social time and enhanced living comforts are held out by Venus due in your 11th House. Mars in your 3rd House signifies a good time ahead for taking bold decisions and embarking on new plans and projects. Loss of status and wealth, high expenses and health issues are likely due to unfavourable Sun and Saturn in the 12th House. A favourably placed Jupiter in the 11th House holds out higher status, an increase of income and patronage of those occupying high office. Fame, and honour and fulfillment of aspirations as well as a very good time financially are also on the cards. 


Aquarius (Kumbha):

Venus due in the 10th House is a warning for you to safeguard your, honour and reputation as well your health. Heavy expenses and family problems are possible with Mars in your 2nd House. You have been to be careful when talking to others for you are likely to hurt their feelings. Honours, financial stability and a happy time at work are held out by powerful Sun in the 11th House.  Jupiter already in the 10th House holds out a rise in career, a new or better job, monetary gains and gainful foreign travel. You may face some career-related problems, but will soon sort them out. 


Pisces (Meena):

Comforts and luxuries, monetary gains, higher status and generally happy time ahead with Venus about to enter your 9th House. You are prone to accidents and possible injuries to head with Mars in your 1st House. A rise in career or a good job and gainful foreign travel are on the cards with favourable Sun in the 10th House.   General prosperity, enhanced living comforts and marital prospects (for the bachelors and maidens) are held out by Lagnadhipati Jupiter in the 9th House. Gaming activity and speculation-related transactions may bring you more gains. 

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