SLC yet to receive directive from Sports Minister

Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) have yet to receive a directive from the Sports Minister subsequent to the Attorney General’s Department reportedly concluding that the term of the SLC Ex-Co had lapsed in February. 
The Colombo Colts Cricket Club, earlier this month, had written to Sports Minister Namal Rajapaksa, challenging the legality of the SLC Ex-Co continuing beyond February 20, the date that it’s two-year tenure lapsed. 
SLC have maintained that even though its constitution indicates that the term of office is for two years, the Sports Law states that the term of office of a sports body Is four years, and thereby it was legally remains in office. 
However on Sunday it was reported that the AG’s department had concluded otherwise, advising the Minister that a committee should be appointed to overlook SLC affairs until the election is conducted, as the incumbent committee had completed it’s term. 

It has been suggested that the Minister will appoint a five-member committee in the interim, though no formal notice has been issued to SLC. 

We have not been informed by the Sports Minister as yet,” SLC Secretary Mohan de Silva said. 
“There is no impediment for the Minister to reappoint the existing committee until the elections, but it’s the final decision of the Minister.”

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