Looking for new leadership!

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The question of finding a new charismatic leader has begun plaguing the Blue party high-ups again, they say.


The question has assumed added significance following the strictures passed on the incumbent leader by the Presidential Commission of inquiry into the Easter Sunday carnage. 

During a discussion among a group of young party front-liners the other day, the name of a young prominent Diyawanna politico from Wayamba had come up as a suitable successor to the incumbent one, they say. 

These front-liners had accepted the reality that the party’s steady decline had started from the time the current Number Two stepped down from the leadership. 

Some of them had pointed out that half the party front-liners might soon defect to Pohottuwa unless they took some effective measures to stem the unfavourable tide. It had also transpired that a prominent acolyte of the current leader from Rajarata had recently consulted an astrologer about an auspicious time to defect to Pohottuwa.

So, they had taken a firm decision that they should find a new face to lead the party if they are to save it from the current perilous situation.


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