Her health is her right“Crystalline” from ATL

Continuing on its quest to offer tailored products for specific customer groups, ATL ( Amãna Takaful ), the only fully-fledged Takaful operator in the country, introduced ‘Crystalline’ an innovative insurance policy specifically designed for women.  

 ‘Crystalline’ is tailor-made for women and provides for specific areas of protection for this segment. Besides being a regular hospitalisation policy, it also provides a comprehensive insurance cover for the treatment of common ailments faced by women, cover against critical illnesses, loss of income and costly cosmetic surgery. Under the critical illness cover, 31 major sicknesses including heart attacks, kidney failure, major organ transplants, strokes, cancer and paralysis to name a few. The cover extends up to Rs.300,000/- per annum & is available in multiples of Rs.100,000/-.

Providing peace of mind during medical emergencies, ‘Crystalline’ covers hospitalization expenses up to Rs. 100,000/-, hospitalization ward charges up to Rs. 4,000/- per day for 10 days, hospitalization charges up to Rs. 30,000/- and specialist consultant fees up to Rs. 5,000/-. The policy also covers surgeons’ fees up to Rs. 20,000/-, operating theatre charges up to Rs. 7,500/- and specialist services including X-rays and MRI scans up to Rs. 15,000/-.   In the event of an injury due to an accident, the policy is extended to cover cosmetic surgery up to a limit of Rs. 100,000,a unique feature in the policy is that following the loss of a partner, the policy provides widows with benefits of up to Rs. 120,000/- for the duration of three months.

Commenting on the launch of the ‘policy, FazalGhaffoor, CEO, ATL, said, “Women are the primary care givers of our society. They are our mothers, our sisters, our wives and our children and we have a special responsibility to support them. At ATL we constantly strive to give back to the women in our lives and community. The ATL team is excited to introduce the ‘Crystalline’ policy which is designed specifically to meet the varied health and well-being needs of women. This policy provides women with protection and takes care of them during their time of need, ensuring that they receive all the assistance they require when facing a crisis.”  

About Amana Takaful
ATL during its journey of 16 years has been successful in establishing a strong position for the concept of Takaful amidst stiff competition from established conventional players. One of the few ISO certified insurance operators in Sri Lanka, ATL operates across nearly 30 branches island in almost all major cities. ATL continuously reaches out to customers from all segments of society and offers innovative and state-of-the-art insurance products that are convenient, affordable and reliable. Amãna Takaful PLC; the parent company recently transferred its Family Takaful (Life insurance) business to ATL Life Limited which now operates as a separate business entity.  As part of its commitment to remain ‘open to all’, ATL serves all communities and employs a multi-ethnic team across its network. The company was also recently upgraded by the Lanka Rating Agency to a rating of BBB/P3/Stable and recently achieved ISO 9001:2008 re-certification.  

For more information about the ‘Crystalline’ policy contact 011 7501 000.

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