CAL online - dawn of a new era in trading in Sri Lanka

Capital Alliance (CAL), Sri Lanka’sleading full service investmentbankis about to turn a page in Sri Lanka’sfinancialmarkets. In today's world, people can do almostanythingwiththeir smartphones or tabletdevices. Fromchecking email, to stayingconnected via social media, to turning off the lights in the house while out on the town, people relyheavily on theirhandhelddevices.Addinganother to thislistCALislaunchingits new and unique mobile application for trading‘CAL ONLINE’. 

‘CAL ONLINE’, is the one stop shop for your trading and investmentneeds. The appprovidesyouaccess to real-time information on Equity and Debtmarkets at yourfingertips and the ability to trade real-time in a seamlessmanner off your mobile or yourtablet. 

The users are not required to hold an accountwith CAL to use the app and gain access to marketdataon shares, bonds and CAL’s unit trusts.However CAL accountholders are providedwith premium featuressuch as the ability to trade on-the-go, CAL investmentrecommendations to clients on a real-time basis and the ability to manage individual portfolios. 
With the launch of thisappanyonewho has a smartphone willbe able to test their hand at trading and investing. You canessentiallybuy, sell or juststay in touchwith all yourinvestmentswhileyouwait, itmaybewhileyou’re traveling or evenwhenyou’restuck at ameeting. ‘CAL ONLINE’alsoprovidesyoufinancialindependence, grantingaccessto the capital markets at yourowndiscretionwithouthaving to rely on intermediaries. 

“We are immenselyproud to be the first to launcha seamlesslyintegratedapp ofthiskind to broaden the horizons of investment and trading in Sri Lanka.A mechanismwhichbothincreasestransparency and empowersinvestorsis the need of the hour and webelievethisappdelivers on theserequirements. It isthisability to attune and alignourselves to our clients needsthat has enabled CAL to become a dynamic force in Sri Lanka’sfinancialmarketstoday.”saidAjith Fernando –ManagingDirector, CAL.
CAL has built a reputation for itself as a market leader, by consistentlydelivering excellence in execution, world-class research and product innovation. The company’s ethos of being ‘the preferredpartner in financialmarkets’ isbuilt on the deeprelationshipsitenjoyswithits clients, regulators and stakeholdersalike. 

‘CAL ONLINE’willbeavailable for both iOS and anroidplatforms on App Store and Google Play.

The CAL Group of companiesdeliverintegrated and customizedfinancial and investment solutions for a diverse portfolio of clients. CAL’s service offeringalsoincludesinvestments and wealth management, fixedincomesecurities, investmentbanking and equitybrokering. This mix of expertise allows CAL to offerintegrated and customized solutions to itscustomersacross the entirefinancialspectrum. The companystrives to build lasting relationshipswith all of its clients, in order to acquire an in-depthunderstanding of theirneeds and goals. CAL comprises a dynamic team of individualswithextensive local and international marketexperience. Sinceitsinceptionin 2000, CAL has built a reputation for itself as a market leader, capable of continuously meeting client expectations and delivering excellence in research, ethicaldealing, confidentiality and product innovation.

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