We should not over-medicalise social issues

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Dr. Shehan Williams on Hot Seat
Shehan ,Great to view your interview. I still remember the university fellowship time .Thanks for helping the needy people in Sri Lanka.
Nice to see this sir.
Well done Dr Williams, agreed with all of your comments except for religious guidance. Religious guidance is the most effective way to overcome any mental and related issues. The Holy Bible says that 'Thy Word is a lamp into my feet, and a light unto my path' (Psalm 119:105), 'Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' (Matthew 11:28). Sin is the number one cause of sickness / most of the mental and related illnesses. In Australia mental health illness, in most cases directly linked to illicit drug usage and  drunkenness.
I heard that Shehan Williams is a fantastic guy. Best of luck Doctor.
Great interview sir, you have done wonders to enlighten people of our country regarding the true nature of mental illness . Wish you best of luck
Triple gem bless you sir.
Ampare son
 A very balanced approach to the causes and treatment models of mental illness, and the application of the social modal of disability is appreciated. It has been increasingly recognised that mental illnesses in many instances is a social construction. The religious and social institutions very often act as barriers in preventing, in addition to the stigma of  people resorting to professional treatment. Steps taken by professionals like Dr. Williams in enhancing awareness on mental health in society should be appreciated.
 UK Sumanadasa
I feel like putting my hands together to what Mr. Jeffry said about a religion's contribution in getting people rid of all causes of mental diseases. However we seek to address our problems with our knowledge and science, there are many things where science is rendered numb. No-one holds the monopoly of any religions in this world. If we feel the pressing need of a religion to play its role in creating a world sans people of mental disorders, it follows that we all should join heads and shoulders to find a religion that can be practicable and that can conform to the modern context of the crisis the motherland is facing.
 Ahmed Hilmy
There are handfuls who wish to take into the field of mental health. We are awfully inadequate in Psychiatrists in Sri Lanka. Compared to the population and other bio-medical practitioners, we have a little more than 1400 + in the island. The State must encourage medical students to get into this field. Mental Health personnel must be well trained, if possible given an overseas training period. Mental Health is a neglected field in Sri Lanka. Less prominence is given to it compared to other medical disciplines. We will create a sick nation if we fail to look at this area seriously.
A. W. Abdulkany

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