The Mora Sut­ta     Follow

Ta­tha­ga­ta Gau­ta­ma the en­light­ened one em­pha­sized the sig­nif­i­cance, pow­er and vir­tues of cul­ti­vat­ing and prac­tic­ing no­ble qual­i­ties in the Met­ta­ni­san­sa Sut­ta. The Bud­dha ex­plained that a per­son who does not be­tray his friends could es­cape un­harmed even if he­ falls from a high moun­tain.

There­after he re­ci­ted the "Mora Par­it­ta" to the bik­khus re­call­ing one of his past biths as a Bud­da­hood (Bod­hi­sat­wa) dur­ing the long san­sa­ric journey .

The Bud­dha ex­plained that long years ago dur­ing the reign of King Brah­ma­dat­ta, the Bod­hi­sat­wa was once born as a pea­cock with gold­en feath­ers.

Due to his at­trac­tive ap­pear­ance the pea­cock had been un­der con­stant threat from hunt­ers and trap lay­ers.

How­ev­er the pea­cock be­ing the Bod­hi­sat­wa, who had cul­ti­va­ted no­ble qual­i­ties lived un­harmed en­joy­ing heath and lon­gev­i­ty.

In that birth the pea­cock lived on top of a moun­tain slate known as Dan­da­ka­hir­agn­na, fof­ti­fied by three rocky cir­cles near Be­na­ris.

Reg­u­lar­ly dur­ing the sun rise the pea­cock wor­ship­ped the sun in grat­i­tude and paid obei­sance to all past Bud­dhas. Sim­i­lar­ly at the end of the day he re­pea­ted this prac­tice ev­ery­day. The Bud­dha re­ci­ted the ver­ses which the gold­en pea­cock re­vered "Udayan­tam Chak­khu­ma Ekar­a­ja"

Har­ris­sa wan­no pa­ta­vip­pa bha­so.......

Thus the gold­en pea­cock for his pow­er, pro­tec­tion and pros­per­i­ty dai­ly re­ci­ted these two self com­posed ver­ses or Ga­tas.

(l) "Oh the gold­en sun like the one eyed em­per­or ris­ing ev­ery morn­ing from the East.

With thy ra­di­ant rays the plan­et re­ceives its gold­en light.

The em­per­or that bright­ens up the Earth with its gold­en rays, dis­ap­pears at dusk.

We en­joyed the day with the bless­ings of your gold­en bliss! I pray to thee with ut­most re­spect.

I pay my obei­sance to all Bud­dhas, to all as­cet­ics and the rest of whom have at­tained the Sub­lime Goal.

Oh! The gold­en em­per­or un­der your mer­ci­ful shade we spend the night peace­ful­ly.

I pray to thee with ut­most re­spect and pay obei­sance to all Bud­dhas, to all as­cet­ics and the rest of whom have at­tained the Sub­lime Goal.
For the peace and pro­tec­tion I re­ceive day and night.

The Bud­dha de­clared that by such No­ble prac­ti­ces the pea­cock lived safe­ly be­yond a cen­tu­ry of years.

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