Self-righteous hypocrites, look at yourselves! - Editorial     Follow

The world is getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Sadly however most people hold on to the celebrations, but have forgotten the deep message of humility, sincere service and a readiness to even sacrifice one’s life for the common good of all.  

Kings and other world leaders need to uphold the truth and live it. Failure to do so entail being pulled down from thrones they occupy and lofty pedestals they cling to. One has only to study world history, to discover this reality.

The rulers of the world lose their positions when they claim absolute authority and power. People are too frail to carry absolute power. World leaders from time immemorial had been tempted to want to be like a god and suffered the consequences as a result, dragging even empires to their destruction.

Do we not see in our own nation leaders trying to act like demigods? Those in authority and holding power would be tempted to want absolute power delegated to themselves. How could we when our wisdom has not developed much beyond our little minds. Instead of doing what is true and right, leaders today want to do things their own way for their personal gain or glory, popularity or prestige. Leaders need to live and work in a manner so they could rule their nations with humility and love and sincere, sacrificial service.

We see today the Chief Justice who represents the Temple of Justice being hounded by powers that be, in their frenzy to seek absolute authority. A lawyer told the Supreme Court last Thursday that barbarians were trying to invade the Temple of Justice. The Temple of Justice is a holy place where truth and justice are meted out to the victims of an unjust and harsh society. Destroying it for someone’s personal glory or agenda is tampering with its sacred functions and obligations. The repercussions need not be emphasized - only mercy could be prayed for.

If the CJ has done wrong then the due process of law should be adhered to. Misbehaviour is said to be the ground for impeachment. Would not natural Justice consider this too barbaric? It is true that those who occupy sacred seats of authority should guard against any unethical behaviour. The executive and parliament too need to behave properly and make declaration of their assets; as the saying goes, “Look not at the speck of sawdust in the eye of the other and pay no attention to the plank in your eye”.

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