Long-term detainees in Sl

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According to a news item appearing in a daily newspaper on May 08 European Parliament Delegation for Relations with countries in South Asia led by Jean Lambert have told Xinhua that long term detainees in Sri Lanka should either be charged or released.

This is a serious allegation against Sri Lanka made without appreciating the actual situation of Sri Lanka. The intension of Jean Lambert and the members of the delegation is evident. It is to disrepute Sri Lanka in the face of the world community. It appears that they have made such allegations either without knowing the actual facts or with reluctance to appreciate the good work done.
Jean Lambert and the members of the delegation appear to pretend that they know nothing about massive development activities undertaken and implemented in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. According to the news item they have had talks with Sri Lankan officials in the capital and in the Eastern parts of the country. Hence they cannot genuinely say that they are not aware of such development activities in the Northern and Eastern provinces of the country. It can be presumed that they had visited some of the areas and have observed the development projects having seen them with their own eyes. They should have imagined the earlier conditions of the war ravaged areas and compare them with the present developed conditions.

Lambert led delegation say that they are concerned with the displaced persons who are still in temporary camps or shelters. Why don’t they comment on many others who have been saved from the grip of Tiger Terrorists and provided with facilities to settle down in their own villages which they did not dream of when they were under the control of Tiger Terrorists?
This was done within three years after defeating the Tiger Terrorists. Can’t they expect the small number still in temporary camps to be settled down in their own villages in the near future?

Why do they try to disrepute Sri Lanka and mislead the people by making undue comments based on incorrect information?


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