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The mandate also covered several specific matters including the lessons we would learn from these events and their attendant concerns, so as to prevent a recurrence of such a conflict. Contrary to comments made by certain extremist elements, it is the considered view of the CPSL that the Commission has not transgressed its mandate in any manner. It was perfectly within its mandate to look back at the conflict and identify the root cause of the grievances of the Tamil people in particular as much as it was necessary for the Commission to look ahead for an era of healing and peacebuilding. The LLRC Report should be examined in the context of a long-drawn out conflict in respect of which several attempts in search of solutions since Independence were proved futile. Here we tend to agree with the Commission’s contention that the political parties were either unwilling or incapable of finding a solution. The central issue to be considered now is how and why the conflict virtually led to the division of the country with the people totally divided, living in fear, suspicion and distrust, causing untold destruction to the economy and society. T hose who believe that there was no such question as an ethnic problem would naturally feel disillusioned with the findings of the Report. In the view of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, the LLRC Report is comprehensive, logical, objective and positive, and its recommendations need implementation in full. The recommendations are both in the nature of short-term and long-term solutions. History offered us several opportunities for the solution of the problem in the past and it was unfortunate that for whatever reasons adduced, the people of our country were deprived the advantage of those opportunities and were pushed further towards misery and agony. With all seriousness, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka appeals to all the Political Parties not to miss once again this rare opportunity offered by the LLRC, despite its attendant challenges. The LLRC Report highlights the imperative need on the part of government and political parties for (i) political will and sincerity of purpose (ii) Seeking a settlement through a consensus (iii) an adequate understanding of the ground realities, arid (iv) approaching the process in a spirit of tolerance, accommodation and compromise. The LLRC also rightly identifies the areas where decisions are needed. Namely they are good governance, devolution, observance of human rights and international humanitarian law, socio-economic development, solution of livelihood issues-broadly issues affecting hearts and minds of the people. In our view, the LLRC has provided a framework to all stakeholders to enable them to construct a platform for consolidation of post-conflict peace, security and development of mutual trust and co-operation among the diverse communities. The LLRC Report rightly points out that the grievances of minorities can be addressed only through empowerment of the people and that through devolution to the grass-root level. The sharing of power at the centre as a mechanism for legislative decision-making has also been recommended. It is not surprising that certain sections of the Tamil Diaspora with an entrenched Ealam mindset will oppose any move for a reconciliation process. Similarly, certain Western Powers on account of their geo-political interests and international strategies will continue to promote and foster divisive forces. In the context of an economic boom in Asia, foreign interventions and interferences are bound to intensify and the only way to guarantee our national interest would be the consolidation of unity of the people at all levels. This again underlines the need to find solutions internally through the process of negotiations. The Communist Party of Sri Lanka cannot subscribe to the view expressed in certain quarters that accelerated economic development is the way for redressing the grievances of the Tamil people. The need for them to attend to their local affairs and to live in peace and devoid of fear and distrust with dignity and honour are important basic human rights. With regard to the question of accountability the Commission has acted upon evidence before them to arrive at its own conclusions. It has rightly, on the basis of representations made, called upon the authorities to investigate into those matters and to institute action in the appropriate courts. Even some of the Western countries who have called for investigation with charges of war crimes against Sri Lanka and imposition of sanctions against the country have since softened their stance. The country now demands a more positive and constructive role on the part of the media, in the implementation of the LLRC Report.

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