Let the dogs get married!

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From the time the Police Kennels came into existence over seventy-five years ago, the Kennels Division of the Police has been able to put on shows highlighting the proficiency of trained dogs. These shows have not only educated the public on the capabilities of dogs in the all important police functions of criminal investigation, narcotics control and public order but also provided rare feats of entertainment such as climbing walls, jumping over hurdles or sailing through rings of fire.

"The highpoint in the character of police dogs is their obedience. The manner in which these dogs respond to the commands of their respective handlers is most remarkable. What a contrast even to our hallowed Parliament"

The wedding ceremony for dogs that was recently held at the Asgiriya police grounds has to be viewed as only a new dimension to the traditional shows put on by the Police Kennels Division. It is indeed puerile to think that it was an insult to the institution of marriage or the ‘poruwa’ ceremony.
From time immemorial dogs have been man’s best friend. Primitive men had trained hunting dogs. Some dogs were even trained to keep fierce carnivores such as lions, tigers and cheetahs at bay. Some dogs even reign in sheep and cattle of farmers. Today dogs are mainly protectors and pets. There are not only guard dogs but guide dogs that help thousands disabled by blindness. The literature of many cultures abounds in the heroics of dogs or their admirable loyalty to their masters. They are truly role models of courage, loyalty and attachment.
The highpoint in the character of police dogs is their obedience. The manner in which these dogs respond to the commands of their respective handlers is most remarkable. What a contrast even to our hallowed Parliament where the Speaker has to often call out, “Order please, order please” and even adjourn proceedings when some members do not care two pence for his order.

It might be a good thing for the police to organise a show on the Parliament grounds highlighting specifically the numerous obedience exercises of these adorable canines especially for the benefit of the numerous schoolchildren that visit Parliament to get a glimpse of its proceedings.
Let us be more charitable to these wonderful animals. Let them have not only wedding ceremonies, but birthday parties, anniversary celebrations etc. Even good detections should be appreciated with parties full of DCD free milk and choice cuts of meat, with cakes and bacon also thrown in. They deserve such goodies.
Edward Gunawardena

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