If united, no power could touch Lanka

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In spite of pressure, both local and international, the government is firm in its resoluteness to fulfill the chauvinist agenda of a certain section. It has shown no desire to pull the brakes on the Sinhala agitations and give the minorities their rights. On the contrary, the Mahinda regime clashed with the U.S. embassy over photographs published some time ago. This prompted an angry response from the government. Ministry Secretary Karunathilaka Amunugama sought clarification from the US Embassy over the photo caption posted on social media regarding the visit of Stephen Rapp, the US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice. Naturally,
the government is sensitive to criticism and such claims at a time of growing international pressure to investigate allegations of war crimes by the armed forces. As we all know the United Nations has called on Lanka to punish those in the military, who were involved in atrocities, through our own credible internal mechanism by March 2014. If we fail, the global masters could set up their own international, independent investigation and March is only a couple of months away. Instead of setting up an internal investigation, Mahinda has decided to challenge the US and other global masters. It is indeed funny to see this puppet regime of global capitalism challenging global masters that helped the war of Mahinda against the Tamil insurgency.

" He is a wretched beggar in the eyes of Rapp and other Americans. Hence he is not a Castro or even a Hugo Chavez. The Mahinda regime is stranded in an unequal world where his masters helped in his war crimes, yet they order an independent investigation into the same war crimes! "

Rapp is an agent of a government that has been accused of massive war crimes in the Middle East and in other parts of the world. He was on a fact-finding mission to the northern areas of Lanka where the fighting was concentrated.  Hundreds of people linked to Mahinda’s ruling coalition protested in front of the embassy against Rapp’s visit to the north. Mahinda had to bite the hand that he kissed at the time of the war. Even now he is totally dependent on the IMF and the global lending organisations for his parasitic development programme. So he is a wretched beggar in the eyes of Rapp and other Americans. Hence he is not a Castro or even a Hugo Chavez. The Mahinda regime is stranded in an unequal world where his masters helped in his war crimes, yet they order an independent investigation into the same war crimes!

Asked about the contents of the posting, a senior official at the U.S. embassy has said Rapp and Sison toured a number of sites from the final months of the conflict and met many survivors. “These are among the reports we heard and that is why credible, independent investigations must take place,” the official told the media people. Military spokesman Ruwan Wanigasooriya has said the claim was baseless. He has said “It appears they are trying to justify their claim and create a situation leading to an international probe.” The government has rejected calls for an international inquiry and said repeated requests from overseas were to please the large Tamil Diaspora in the West. The government says Lanka is on its way to reconciliation, aided by economic growth; but they failed to mention this economic development in the North-East benefits the alien rich contractors and other exploiters more than it helps the Tamil-speaking dwellers. Many Tamils are yet to return to their homes and farms. Without a tangible self-government, even environment-friendly development cannot resolve the problem of the Tamils. Power sharing is a problem that could not be resolved by any kind of economic development. Enforced development would become an additional repression directed at the indigenous population.

" The government says Lanka is on the way to reconciliation, aided by economic growth; but they failed to mention this economic development in the North-East benefits the alien rich contractors and other exploiters more than it helps the Tamil-speaking dwellers "

Lamentations of the Mahinda regime cannot frighten the global masters. What Mahinda can do is to get together with the elected representatives of the Tamil homeland and implement the LLRC recommendations. If the country is united, no power could challenge the people of Lanka.

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