Foiling the Palestinian bid     Follow

At present only eight states support the bid, including Russia, Lebanon, India, Brazil and South Africa. Additionally, Nigeria and Gabon are rumoured to be supportive of the bid. However, with Germany on the same bandwagon as the US and Britain, France and Colombia deciding to abstain, the Palestinians are left hoping for a slim chance to get the required votes. It is unsure what Portugal and Bosnia decide but chances are that they may either vote against or abstain. The technicalities and protocol for such a process require a clear position of the member states on whether to put up the bid for a formal vote. With divisions apparent within the Council regarding how the Palestinians bid should be treated with the apparent shortfall in support — or at least till now — it is unlikely that a formal vote will even be called for. In any case, the threatened US veto will ensure that it is struck down. Already threats of reprisals are raining thick and fast from Washington and Tel Aviv on those UN bodies that dare admit the Palestinians. The withholding of funds for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, after Palestinians obtained approval for full membership, there is testament to this unbelievable and unfair power play.  In fact, incensed with the Palestinians, Israel even announced speedier construction of its illegal settlements.  With full US backing and guarantees to obstruct and fight any initiative taken against it in the international fora, why would Israel be concerned about its chief ally’s professions of “deep disappointment” over the settlements? The whole exercise reeks of nothing but blatant hypocrisy and in-the-face violation of international law and human rights. The shocking thing is how Washington and other Western states are supporting Israel both actively and passively in total contradiction to their constitutional principles.
Endless meetings and shuttle diplomacy have hardly brought anything but extreme frustration and created further deterrents to the Mideast peace efforts. Especially so when Israel is allowed to go scot free and assimilate Palestinian territories and continue its siege of Gaza.
The question Israel and Western states need to ask themselves is if they are prepared to face the evolving dynamics in the Mideast since they are unable to treat the issue fairly.
Khaleej Times

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