Editorial - Make the world a better place

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It was President John F. Kennedy who said, “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and the best hope for the future.” Indeed, they are the ones most capable of dealing effectively with problems of today’s world and also take it to greater heights. Every age and generation brings out children best equipped for that period. For children of a bygone era surely wouldn’t be able to fit into today’s world. The technology and other sciences are so advanced to what it was earlier. The responsibility on our path is to protect, guide and nurture children.  Only then would they be able to be what they ought to be.

Unfortunately, we are not nurturing them. Every child is called to fulfil a destiny, but it’s in our hands to help its discovery or hinder it. Needless to mention its hindrance affects the future. The world then struggles in its purpose to be made into a better place, for all people. The spiritual health and vitality of a nation can be gauged by how the women and children are treated. The diagnosis for our country is quite dismal, to say the least. More than 900 rape and child abuse cases in just six months; Police Department statistics claim that nearly 700 of them involve children. These appalling figures are just the tip of the iceberg, considering the number of incidents that remain unreported, owing to fear of social stigma and lack of awareness.

Society is privy to much violence and explicit sexual feeding through the internet, movies and publications. We need to realise that what we take in takes root in our minds. We unknowingly programme ourselves and what we have seen, becomes part of us. It bears bad fruit the moment an opportunity presents itself. In a way violence and unlawful sex then become second nature. Once we go over the deep end, we could become a danger not only to society we live in, but even to our spouse and children.
 The view that it’s alright for adults to watch violence, sex and wrong values in visual form, is a misnomer. Taking the principle of advertising, they say constant viewing and audio suggestion could make us believe even in a lie. Therefore, constant openness to vulgarity, wrong morals and sexual perversion could make us come to the conclusion there is nothing wrong in them.

There is no point in going to our places of religious worship if we are not willing to want our lives transformed. The practice of self-control over our base human nature is imperative. Then Higher Powers would suspend one's karmic repercussions; making it safe and rewarding not only for our children, but our neighbours as well.

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