Editorial - Is there a hope for tomorrow

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The voice for the masses that we have been trying desperately to be, seems to have been of little avail. The repeated clarion calls to rectify the innumerable acts of mismanagement, corruption, nepotism and don’t care attitude of the powers that be, leave a sad blemish on the history of our nation and a sense of frustration in us. One wonders whether we allow the situation to play itself out. Is this a place of no return or is there a place which once reached opens to horizons of new experience and new beginnings that we never knew  existed?

With this in mind may we give some thoughts for reflection.  We were told that if the electricity charges were not increased, there would be a complete collapse of the economy. In that light may we assume the need arises for other commodities and facilities too to have their prices increased. The challenge is then offered to the powers that be and it is imperative on their part to share the same predicament the people face each day. If those who are powerful, could by choice become vulnerable, then a turn around would become possible for our nation.

It is said that the author of destiny has done something to reverse the dynamics of cause and effect. Who could be saved if we think that fate is our destiny? It stands to reason that not only we but the whole of creation would perish. The author of destiny however, has reversed everything of cause and effect. In this we have hope when we believe in what’s available to reverse today’s darkness to tomorrow’s light.

We need not perish individually or as a nation. Human wisdom always pursues self-centredness. That ends in death. Divine wisdom pursues love and concern for others’ well-being,  that give life.

Let’s not be troubled or anxious. The author of destiny who wants the best for those in authority and the suffering masses wants changes to our hearts, so that we could receive something new. The powers that be could have hearts changed through empowerment to share and live together with the have-nots and the masses empowered to see the powers that be as not being a threat to them nor insensitive to their plight. All would reach out to one another. That’s the freedom that’s to be born in human hearts. Herein lies the victory over cause and effect. May we awaken to the morrow when every tear will be wiped away and hearts made free to journey to a new state of love, peace and joy.

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