Editorial - Alternative medicine: Manioc cure for cancer

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If the private health sector in Sri Lanka has decayed to a large extent  from a centre of healing to big business, one of the root causes of this cancer is the absence of a clear-cut national health policy where the rightful place is given to all forms of medicine – allopathy, ayurveda, homoeopathy, acupuncture and others.

Over the past few decades western medicine has become one of the biggest profit-making business ventures all over the world and especially in developing countries including Sri Lanka. Rising consultation charges, rising prices of drugs under a variety of highly-expensive brand names, heavy costs of tests – many of which are not essential – have created a calamity where centres of healing, which were once sacred, have become like dens of robbers.

In view of this, the Government needs to urgently work out and implement a national health policy where other forms of medicine have effective cures. One instance is the cure for malignant cancer through manioc treatment. According to veteran ENT consultant Dr. Cynthia Jayasuriya, she overcame secondary cancer in the bladder without having radiation and chemotherapy. Her treatment was the use of a substance called B17 which is found in manioc. After one month the bladder was examined by cystoscopy and it did not show any sign of cancer.

She says that after she first wrote about this cure, many people with cancer contacted her and they also have been healed by eating manioc.
One old gentleman who was cured of cancer by eating manioc said that he had been able to save the cost of five injections at Rs.47,000 each.

According to reports, Professor Manuel Navarro of the San Thome Medical College of the University of Manila has cured more than 500 patients using manioc only.

The specific method that Professor Navarro used is to take a 4-inch  piece of raw manioc about two to 3 inches in diameter, clean it and cut it up into small pieces and place them in a blender, with two measuring cups of water (two large cups) for two minutes. The blended liquid becomes like milk. Pour it into a tall glass container and keep in a fridge for two hours. The white part (mainly carbohydrate) settles down at the bottom. Gently pour out the supernate (the colourless water on top) and drink half in the morning and half in the evening

Dr. Jayasuriya says she hopes this information will help some people, especially those who cannot pay the fabulous prices of cancer drugs. Yet they strive to buy with great difficult and end unsuccessfully.

After years of telling people chemotheraphy is the only way to try (‘try’, being the key word) to eliminate cancer, the famous John Hopkins University also is finally starting to tell people there is an alternative way. Sri Lanka needs to learn from this.

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