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The Dailymirror interviewed a few astrologers during the Presidential election including the former President’s official astrologer Sumanadasa Abeygunawardena. Contradicting his views P.D. Perera firmly said there would be a new government and a new leader. Since Mr. Perera’s predictions were true the Dailymirror  contacted him to get his views about the situation of the country during the next few years according to astrological aspects.

"People will be preparing for the election. There will be a public urge  for an election. This did not happen at the presidential election.  People did not ask for it."

Q The prediction you made during the Presidential election became true. What made you to firmly believe there would  be a change this time when many others believed otherwise?

During the last election I based my predictions on the horoscope of the country.  At that time it was similar to the situation of 1956. The horoscope of the country is based on kumba lagna (Aquarius). When Saturn comes to the tenth house of the country’s horoscope, whoever the ruler is he would be replaced by a new leader. What I said was someone would be appointed. Since Maithripala Sirisena’s horoscope was powerful at that time he was appointed as the President. At that time Mahinda Rajapaksa’s horoscope was weak. Anyway according to the country’s horoscope this was to happen.

Many speak about the star effects of the candidates’ horoscopes. It is not only that. It is the country’s horoscope that will be a deciding factor. Leaders are appointed according to the country’s horoscope and not the other way around - it is not according to their personal horoscopes.  It is the people who elect the leaders of the country. And it is the country’s star effect.


"UNP will be in the forefront; no one can defeat the UNP. The government will be a UNP government. But it will be a union."

Even in the past we had leaders who fought for the country. King Dutugemunu fought with King Elara. Even now this happens. But there is a difference. Those days the leader himself fought face to face. But now people like General SF are used. The leader only gives orders. Unfortunately the former leader tries to claim the victory all for himself.

Q So what will be the next? Do you think there will be many changes?

So you do accept that there is a change. But as happenned in 1956 there will be many revolutions. Till 2019 there will be changes, revolutions in the country. The country is going through “janma erashtaka.” This happens when Saturn goes to the 10th house of the horoscope. This would be a difficult period.
With regard to the100 day programme, it will be difficult to achieve this within the given period.  They won’t be able to achieve or accomplish it.  Also people or parties who were in common allies or on common grounds will be divided. The honeymoon period they are spending now will be over.  Definitely there will be a general election before the 27th of July.

People will be preparing for the elections. There will be a public urge for an election. This did not happen at the presidential election. People did not ask for it. As I said there will be a division.  The power of coalitions will reduce. Parties will contest individually.

This will be similar to the situation in March 1960. According to the results no one could form a government individually. Even in the current context if a government is to be established many parties will have to join. UNP will be in the forefront; no one can defeat the UNP. The government will be a UNP government. But it will be a union.   

"There will be re-juvenation in the JVP and they will be able to secure  more seats. Even General Sarath Fonseka’s Democratic Party will perform  better and secure more seats. "

Q Do you say there would not be any change of government?

I would not say there is a change of the government. It will be a UNP government. But please don’t ask who will be the Prime Minister after the general elections. There is an issue with regard to that which I will address later. Also I must say there will be re-juvenation in the JVP and they will be able to secure more seats. Even General Sarath Fonseka’s Democratic Party will perform better and secure more seats.  

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