Resolute Ranil shows his royal mettle     Follow

Once again, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has left his footsteps surely and firmly on the sands of time in our country’s political history. The first was, when he equaled the late Dudley Senanayake’s record of being Prime Minister of our country four times. This time it was when he was the first Prime Minister, to go before the Bond Commission to give evidence.

 Everywhere I go, people of all walks of life say, that they applaud this rare and unique gesture and are proud of him. But there are still a few hounds of hell howling and attacking him. Some are probably doing so at the command of their masters, like tame dogs obey their owners. They are probably under obligation for favours  granted in one way or another. 

These masters want to be king makers in this country, and want leaders that they can control. Ranil has proved to be incorruptible and cannot be influenced by big business or any other. His name here and far beyond our shores, is synonymous with democracy and freedom; he has stood unwaveringly by his belief in these throughout his political life. Other critics attack him through sheer ignorance, forgetting that if the previous rulers were in power, there would never have been a Bond Commission or any other commission, ever appointed at all. 


His name here and far beyond our shores, is synonymous with democracy and freedom

 Another fact they would do well to remember, is that if any political figure of any importance had been summoned during those horrific Rajapaksa years, those who summoned him would have suffered the fate of the late Lasantha and others of his like. Have these critics forgotten that the sister of the former Head of the Central Bank, was a director of the company which did dealings with the Bank? The Yahapalanaya government has shown its transparency by bowing to the will of the people. 

Those who narrowly escaped death during the past regime, when they were attacked by royal command have forgotten this and attack Ranil, knowing well that he is a gentleman ‘par excellence’ who will never stoop to the low levels of the predecessors in office in dealing with critics.

 One such person has even had the audacity to refer to the Batalanda Commission. This is indeed a joke as the very person who appointed the Batalanda Commission, former President Chandrika Kumaratunge has praised Ranil for going before the Bond Commission in glowing and no uncertain terms.


  • Problems should be ironed out within the echelons of power, not in press statements
  • Ranil has proved to be incorruptible and cannot be influenced 
  • Ranil’s record in experience in governance is unmatched
  • those serving in this unity government must refrain from attacking the leaders and their colleagues 



 I was surprised while at an event the other day, when several who had been critical of Ranil in the past, when talking about one of these howling hounds said it was a pity that he didn’t succumb to his injuries when he was attacked during the past regime! These hounds can go on barking but the caravan will and must move on.
There are others who have nothing to do, no work worth mentioning, but sit at their computers writing reams of rubbish attacking Ranil and others they dislike, which no-one takes seriously except themselves. One such person has queried why Ranil wasn’t asked why he appointed Arjuna Mahendran. 

This is to put it mildly, a foolish question. No-one can doubt that Arjuna was qualified for the post. But everyone would have been saved a lot of trouble and headaches if he had told his son-in-law firmly not to get involved in any dealings with the Central Bank while he was its head.   


The Yahapalanaya government has shown its transparency by bowing to the will of the people

Ranil Wickremesinghe’s record in experience in governance is unmatched. It was mainly due to his efforts that we regained GSP. 

His stature internationally is such that it has brought us immense benefits. Concentration has been said to be the secret of strength in politics and Ranil has that in abundance in any task he undertakes. Like the President, he does not squander state funds for personal glory.   It is important that those serving in this unity government must refrain from attacking the leaders and their colleagues on both sides. 

Problems should be ironed out within the echelons of power, not in press statements. This is essential for unity which is the key to progress and development. They are only playing into the hands of the common enemy of us all, who displayed unprecedented corruption, incompetence, injustice, not adhering to the rule of law and milked the coffers of the nation dry.  The unjust impeachment of the former Chief Justice is another example of their rule. There are those who have personal agendas who want to cause a rift for reasons of their own private vendettas, against one or the other leader and will try to set one up against the other. 



The very person who appointed the Batalanda Commission, former President Chandrika Kumaratunge has praised Ranil for going before the Bond Commission in glowing and no uncertain terms

Both leaders must beware of these mischief makers, keep them at bay and not lend them their ears, or else we will see that murderous regime of the not too distant past back to steer the ship of the state in a direction only for the benefit of themselves, their kith and kin and acolytes.  

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